20 March 2006

Low Tide

And yet another picture from last Friday. It officially became spring at about 10:26 this morning (local time), and 'twas a nice day for it. I couldn't help but think about Edith and Andrew (aka Chezzum - one of the few people to post comments here - thanks!) waaaay down in the southern hemisphere who just turned the page on summer and are now moving into fall. Not that it'll get all that cold for them in Australia, but I did think about them and wondered if their first day of fall had a fall-like feel to it. Probably not.

As for this picture, not much to say other than it's the first one of many of this subject that I actually find pleasing, though I can't quite figure out why this one is any more interesting than all the others. It's one of the few pictures that I've taken lately where I took the time to actually think about the shot and the composition and the light and the camera settings and... Something I'll need to work on I suppose. Posted by Picasa


Anonymous 26 March, 2006 03:41  

The temperature in Newcastle has definately cooled down. The thermostat read 20-27 degrees celsius all last week. Nice considering it was always in the thirties before that. The locals warn that the weather gets as cold as 10-15 - It's a good thing I brought my long-johns.

The rains have started also. They have been light and sporadic, but there nonetheless. Don't let this fool you, though. Rain here is really weird. Clouds roll in quickly and can dump a day of Vancouver rain in an hour, at least that is how it feels.

Edith and I were out one day when it began to pour. The rain was coming down so hard it looked like someone was dumping it out of a bucket. The water on the street came up over your ankles.

It flowed off the road into the drains so fast that it was shooting out of the holes in the metal covers on the sidewalk. It looked like they had water fountains on the walkways.

Nobody moved. All the people stood under the awnings, waiting for the rain to subside. Nobody seemed too concerned about it either. They talked happily to each other, like they were waiting for the signal to change at a crosswalk. It was all just a normal interruption.

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