27 December 2006

Christmas Morning #2

Continuing on from yesterday...

As I headed back south on the bridge I discovered that, near the center of the bridge on the east side, there is a stairwell that leads down to the south bank of False Creek, where I came across this nearly perfect reflection.

On a technical note, both this shot and yesterday's have been colour-corrected to remove the orange-red glow that is a result of the sodium-vapour lamps used to light this (and almost every other) city. I have a feeling that some of the effort this required will have been wasted, as many computer monitors just won't be able to display the subtleties of colour and contrast. Oh well. Looks good on my monitor!

Following this shot, I worked my way back to my car, arriving about a minute before the return of the rain. My time away from the car had been about an hour, with only a drop of two of rain throughout. Perfect! The next hour would not be so great...
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Kendall 27 December, 2006 22:52  

It occurs to me to mention that there's been a recent change to Blogger, related I suppose to the transition from the old blogger to the new one. When you click on a picture the larger version that is displayed is much larger than what you used to get. I'm not sure that I like the larger version, which means that I suppose I'll have to add in another step to my processing routine to resize the images to a size that I do like. Just thought I'd mention that in case anyone was wondering what's been going on.

Anonymous 30 July, 2007 21:57  

Regardless, I have ran up and down these stairs a million times and never seen this perspective - its neet when you think of it, all the beauty and amazement in this would that is simply bypassed - deep thoughts!

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