Set Yourself Apart
I went out for a long walk on Sunday in search of new material but unfortunately it was a bust as early in the walk I met up with a real jerk (yeah, I mean you "David G") who pretty much spoiled my mood. Nothing I took on Sunday was any good.
As for you David, I hope we never meet again; the world you live in has left you full of fear, which you feed and encourage, and then use as justification for actions that even you were ashamed of. And if I'm wrong and you weren't ashamed, then you're in an even bigger pit than I thought, because you should be ashamed. If I were ever to act the way you did I wouldn't want to identify myself either.
I prefer to believe the world has more good in it than bad, a world where the first words out of one's mouth to a stranger aren't a demand, a world where, well, enough. My world may not be perfect, but it's a damn sight better than yours David. But if you disagree, David, you have my email address.
Now that I've finally got that rant out of my system let me tell you about this picture. It was taken out at Stave Lake back in late June (check the archive). I didn't post it at the time as I didn't want to bore everyone with too many pictures from the same location. I also didn't finish processing it until sometime later anyway, but once I did I think it's the best of the set from that day.

I like this photo. Has some clasic elements in it, the fog, trees, land outcroping, but it touches.
Sorry about you having to deal with such a Dusch. Thats why living in the country is good!
Another nice photo Kendall. Good Work.
I don't know what your interaction with David G was about, but from what you wrote I see that it affected you quite deeply. Try not to let it bother you. Some people just like to bring others down to their level. We think you're awesome so keep posting the wonderful photos.
Hi Kendall, I think you're awesome too so thanks for the great pictures and hopefully this bad person is "out of your system" for good so you don't have to think about it again.
I think this is an awesome picture, Kendall.
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