09 April 2007


Well! I think I've actually solved all sorts of things with the blog today, - all last-minute-time-to-chuck-it-in-and-give-up solutions actually.

First I found the code to add in the "label cloud" in the sidebar, which I think is kind of cool.

Then, after a great deal of work, and many false starts, I finally found some code that would allow me to hide/show the comments - which you've actually figured out if you're reading this...

I'm still working on finding out how to make the pictures appear larger on the blog...

As for this picture, it's not really something I'd planned on posting but wanted/needed to post something to go with the newest design changes.


Kendall 10 April, 2007 11:45  

Whahoo. I actually figured out how to make the image appear larger on the screen too! Wow. Now just a little cosmetic work (gotta think a bit more about that) and the design will be good for another year or two.

Posting images will be a little more work now, but worth it, I think.

Anonymous 14 April, 2007 09:19  

What a beautiful daffodil photo, Kendall! It's so detailed - you can see all the textures, even on a computer monitor.

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