21 June 2007

Green Bug

It rained heavily while I drove to work this morning, and it's raining again as I post this. In between, in the late afternoon, we had a couple of thoroughly satisfying hours of sunshine - the type where you say "yeah, this is what summer is supposed to be". I made use of the opportunity and spent some time down at the park, looking for bugs.

Of course I'm hoping for a lot more weather like that, as I'm only one day away from my annual 6-week vacation.

I'm not sure just exactly what type of bug this is; I was rather suprised when I spotted it as it just about blended perfectly with the surrounding vegetation. But it's a cool bug. Unlike Kermit, I suspect it finds it easy to be green


Anonymous 25 June, 2007 00:36  

That bug looks just like a leaf! What park at UBC did you find him at, Kendall?

Kendall 25 June, 2007 15:25  

Not at UBC - it was at Fraser River Park, where so many of my pictures are taken. [The tag for these is FRP.]

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