03 June 2007

Hairy Dragon Fly

Man, oh man, it's sure muggy today... and I thought yesterday was bad! Gonna rain tonight, give us some relief, seems odd to be hoping for rain, but hey, it's night, so it's a good time to rain. Tomorrow... well that's another matter!

Yesterday, in a bid to get a bit of a break from the muggy, I spent some time in the evening at Iona regional park, thinking that the breeze off the water would be cooling. There was no breeze, of course. At least I got some exercise, and a few pictures to boot. Not much worth posting, but it's all part of the learning experience, right?

I'd originally planned to see what birds I could capture in the sanctuary, but found my patience for that a little short, and instead spent most of my time practicing with my macro lens. It's a lot harder than you'd think... you're usually squatting or leaning in a pretty unstable position, trying not to get bit or stung, you're in shade from nearby plants as you get closer to the ground requiring longer shutter times, and there's almost no depth of field regardless of what aperture you set, and the smaller apertures are prohibited by the lack of light. I tried some shots with the flash, but the results there were disappointing - they just don't look right. At the moment I don't know if anything else from yesterday will make it here, I've still got a couple of shots to work on but it's not looking promising at the moment.


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