25 February 2008

The Form of Flight

Another shot from Sunday evening at Iona Park. Yeah, cliched, but pleasing none-the-less, as everything came together almost perfectly - the lighting, the shutter speed and focus, and of course, the gull flew at just the right speed at just the right distance.

Other than cropping and a slight curves adjustment this image required very little editing.

Having some problems with my until-now faithfull desktop computer, which may result in some delays posting the queued up pictures, but I'll try to keep to the (loose) schedule I'd planned.


Anonymous 27 February, 2008 03:01  

yo K

that is an awesome photo. nice catch.


Anonymous 03 March, 2008 01:24  

Awesome, awesome photo! (I guess I spoke too soon when I asked about the seagulls!) You sure find a lot to take photos of at Iona Park!

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