23 February 2008


In spite of having the best of intentions to download and process pictures in a more timely manner, my follow-through hasn't been quite up to snuff.

This was shot on Monday evening and although I did download that evening's take from the camera right away I didn't get around to looking at it until tonight. Oh well.

We had a couple of days of enveloping/receding fog early in the week. I love to shoot in fog for the effect, but finding a location that takes full advantage can be a challenge, particularly as I'm usually limited to the short time between when I get out of the office and the last light of the day. This shot illustrates that last-light factor as the tip of the sun is about to dip below the thicker fog/cloud that has accumulated low on the horizon.


Anonymous 24 February, 2008 08:35  

Very nice picture! I love how you can just see the tip of the sun, which is causing all of that illumination. Yes, it was very foggy this week on my graveyard!

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