20 May 2008

SR71 Blackbird... Er, Um I mean Red-winged Black Bird

I'm Back. Well, never really went anywhere, just got fed up with the whole image quality changing a great deal between photoshop and other stuff thing so I decided to take a break.

Still haven't decided what to do about that issue though, so it wouldn't surprise me in the least if posts are much fewer and farther between - not that they've been all that frequent in the first place.

This was shot on Sunday evening at Iona, and was not one of the shots that I expected to come out - my record of panning on a flying bird is dismal so I just expected more blurry imagery. I was instead quite surprised when I saw this and thought "there's something I can post to tide Alison over..."

If I do post more, you can expect to see a lot more bird and other animal shots - so maybe it's a good thing that I'm not posting so regularly after all!


Alison Cole 24 May, 2008 17:12  

Gee, thanks Kendall! Just for me! I think it's a beautiful shot. I love how the bird is just there in mid-air, almost as if he's still, with his wings spread down. The red part of his wing is just perfect as well. FWIW, I totally enjoy seeing photos of birds and other animals.

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