162 Pounds of Fun
This is Sherlock, an English Mastiff, and still a "puppy". He loves to chase the waves hitting the beach, often oblivious to whatever might be in his path, be it another dog, a human, or the very solid breakwater on the west end of the beach...
This picture isn't too bad, though I'm still going to try for something even better. The nice thing about dogs is that even though you don't really need to, you can get close if you want - they're not skittish like birds, and they don't react like many people and hold up a hand and tell you stop, enough with the pictures already!
I find that dogs love to have their photo taken (well, my dog at least! you'd have lots of fun with her because as soon as she sees the camera, she starts 'posing' for it - it's very funny.) I love how this photo shows the dog only standing on one of his legs!
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