24 July 2008

Regal Eagle

On the search for old barns last Friday out west of Yarrow we didn't have much luck in the barn department, but did a little better in the bird of prey department.

It started with my spotting of a hawk in a field just off the side of the road. The bird was fine as long as I was in the car or walking, but as soon as I stopped walking it got spooked and took off. This sighting was quickly followed by a couple of other hawks, then two eagles who had landed on the side of the road. This time I stopped well back and got my gear ready for shooting from the car. Great idea, but it was initially wasted as a truck went barrelling by and sent them flying away. This worked out okay in the end though, as we were able to follow this one in the car until it landed on a convenient power pole. I pulled up quite close and fired off a couple of shots from the car window then took a moment to add in the 2X extender... and just as I again lifted the camera for a shot it took off again, eventually landing well out of range of even the extended lens (800mm).

I saw several large groups of hawks, and at least one group of 5-7 eagles (not sure if that qualifies as a flock?) in the far distance. Apparently there's lots of prey available in farming country.


Alison Cole 26 July, 2008 06:40  

Whoa! Very impressive photo!! It sounds like you had quite a time trying to get shots of these birds, but yet you ended up with a fantastic shot like this one!

I just found this site you might be interested in submitting to (since I know you don't want to be paid): http://www.sxc.hu/

Anonymous 28 July, 2008 21:37  

nice photo K, been a while since i last checked this place out.

good work. hope Tbird is doing well

Kendall 03 August, 2008 00:34  

Okay, so it's taken me a while but I think I finally figured out who posted the last comment... Corwin?

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