01 August 2008

Solitary Sandpiper

I think that I've identified this bird correctly as a solitary sandpiper, but I'm not positive. There are quite a few shore bird that are very similar, and in many cases there's just a small drawing in my bird book (there's a section at the bottom of each page titled "similar birds" with no additional information) so it's hard to to make positive ID.

I actually had quite a good day out at Iona the other day, which made up for the predictable bad mid-day that I'd had at Stanley Park (I don't know why I bother to go there, it's really not a good place for me) - except for the shots I got of a Great Blue Heron which were decent but probably won't be posted here.

I've been looking though all the rest of the stuff that I've shot while on holidays - coming to the end in a couple of days - and think I can pull out one or two shots that aren't birds to give everyone a bit of variety... maybe tomorrow.


Alison Cole 02 August, 2008 18:32  

What an awesome photo, Kendall! Again, you impress me with your beautiful photography. The bird is so perfected "posed" for the picture. You've got the rule of thirds and another bird unfocussed in the background which adds to this photo's perfection. I suppose your vacation is almost near an end now. I hope you enjoyed it. See you next week at orientation.

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