21 December 2008

Not Exactly the Hot Seat

It's been a while since I did a two-fer Sunday, so here's a shot taken this past Wednesday out at UBC just shortly after the end of the work day.

I've been in a bit of an "embrace the monochromatic" kind of mood lately, as I suppose you can tell...

This shot had a horrid yellow colour from the light shining on the bench. I tried to correct it, but ended up with far too much blue everywhere else (the complementary colour to yellow) and wasn't happy with that. Then I tried the black & white thing, and after a little playing around with the channel mixer I finally got a version that I was happy with. I've actually been meaning to post this for a couple of days now but just don't seem to have gotten around to it, hence the double-shot tonight.


Anonymous 28 January, 2009 18:46  

I think the seat is rather inviting...certainly not hot...but inviting.

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