10 August 2009


Okay, so the crappy weather and my return to work today seem to have stimulated me to go back and look at some of the stuff I shot over my holiday to see what I should be posting, since I posted just one picture during the 6 weeks!.

For the first one up I'm going to try something a little different - these are three versions of the same image. One is the original image, without any post-processing at all except cropping. The next is an identical crop of that image, with considerable processing in Photoshop - playing with it if you will, and the last is an almost identical crop first processed in Photomatrix pro as an HDR then with some secondary processing in Photoshop.

I'd be curious to know what everyone (anyone?) thinks, and which you like best (if any).


KS 11 August, 2009 19:25  

In general I like the photo of this old car locked away behind barbed wire...shiny chrome still showing the view ahead.
The order I most like these pics #3, #1, #2.
I like #3 the most. I like the detail in the old paint...the contrast is more dramatic than the original. I like the brighter wood...it brings the whole photo together. I really like the sepia tone.
#2 I like this the least only because it is most different to the original...otherwise the rusty red points out that this old car has lost it's fight with the weather.

Alison Cole 15 August, 2009 01:54  

My favourite is #2 because of the outstanding (and contrasting) blue and orange colours.

kt 17 August, 2009 14:59  


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