19 January 2010

Wreck in Fog

Quite some time ago I started looking at new templates for this blog. I wanted something clean and neat, something to feature the photography and clean out a lot of the other stuff on my site. Not that I didn't like the features provided by some of that stuff, but I did find much of it pretty distracting. And man, was I tired of the blue colours!

Welcome to my new blog design.

It took quite a while to get some parts of it to work properly on my test site, in fact I gave up on it twice. But now things are looking better so I decided it was time to port it over. I will probably still tweak it a bit, certainly the colours aren't quite right yet, but most of the extra clutter is probably gone for good. Hope you like the change.

As for this photo

It was taken on Christmas evening, in the very last of the day's light, when it was really foggy. It's the same wreck that I posted back in the summer, just different conditions. I didn't actually think I'd gotten anything that I liked from this mini shoot so I didn't get around to downloading the pictures from my camera until the other day. Turns out there were two shots that I liked - they're quite different - and, due to a lack of any other new material, the other shot just might get posted as well.

As regards the complete absence of any new material for such a phenomenally long time, all I can say is sometimes you hit a dry spell... Now that I've finally updated the blog layout and cleaned the old pictures off the camera maybe I'll get out a little bit more and get back to posting more regularly. Or not. We'll have to see how it goes. My timing sucks a bit since I have to work this coming weekend, so renewed motivation won't be much of a factor, but we can all hope.


Chez 22 January, 2010 13:02  

Hey Kendall,

I like the new design, it does look clean and uncluttered. But how do you access the older photos? Do you have a plan to categorize them or anything?

Kendall 23 January, 2010 22:08  

Hey Chez! I'm still thinking about what to do for access to old posts.

You can, of course, go backwards through all the pictures via the older posts link (near the lower right of the page). Or, you can see related pictures by clicking on one of the labels.

I may add in a direct link to the gallery that blogger automatically adds pictures to, but that takes you away from the blog and all you can see is the pictures, not the posts that go with them. Also, that was a relatively new feature in blogger so it doesn't go all the way back to when I started the blog - though why anyone should want to go that far back is beyond me!

If you have some idea of what you're looking for, you can also use the search feature in the top toolbar of the blog.

Chez 27 January, 2010 23:56  

Ya, that sounds fine.

I just thought a different page with all the different categories of pictures would be good. I guess like the old "tag cloud", but a page dedicated to it. That way anyone looking to just browse can do so, without having to search.

Just an idea, that's all.

Nonetheless, the change looks good, as do the photos.

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