18 February 2011

Texture Fun

I'm going to post this quickly before I change my mind...

I took this shot last weekend at Finn Slough (South Richmond). Originally processed as a fairly straight black & white but it was lacking something, and there were a few bits about the photo that I didn't like much. I've just spent a bunch more time working on it, with this result. I think I like it, but if I let it sit for a while I'll probably change my mind and then it won't get posted, so here it is, before that can happen.

There are multiple texture layers applied, along with some vignetting and a few other things. It started out just as a texture-application exercise but probably turned out a little better than just a workbook result. The textures are a little heavy-handed, but that's okay - the end result looks a lot like a pretty old, abused picture.


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