09 December 2010

Heron in tall grass

Another shot mined from the archive.

Most of the shots I've posted of birds have been close-in shots, with very little in the way of natural surrounding/setting. I've recognized for a while that this is a bit of a deficiency, something that I've tried to keep in mind when out shooting birds or any other nature subject.

With this shot I didn't have much choice anyway as it was quite a distance from me on the other side of the pond - just at the extreme range of my lens/extender to to still yield a usable result. I like this shot for many reasons and think that I simply didn't post it at the time as there had been too many birds (and probably too many of them Great Blue Herons) to justify posting another one. The happy result of this is that you get to see it now instead.

(taken in early March)


Anonymous 22 January, 2011 06:08  

good to see another Heron photo up!

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