03 April 2011

Low Key Cool

For quite some time now I've wanted to try some low key photograpy; on Friday afternoon I finally got the chance. My nephew was willing so we headed out in search of something to use as a dark background. He actually spotted the wall that we eventually used (nice and dark - on the side of a nighclub). One bonus of the location was that it was partially sheltered from the rain under a bridge on-ramp, and that came in very handy.

To do this type of photography properly I really need a few additional items of equipment. The effect is much better when the light source (i.e. flash) is from the side rather than straight-on. With an umbrella reflector it is softened as well.

Still, given the limitations of the equipment and that this was a first attempt, I'm quite happy with the results.

[Hmmm.  Little problem with this post earlier.  When I uploaded the pictures and edited prior to posting I'd noticed a few differences in the way the code for the pictures looked but when I looked at the final result everything was fine... for a very short time.  Next time I looked at the post the pictures were missing.  Turns out there a new known problem posting from Picasa (which I always use for posting) which hasn't been fixed yet.  The upshot of this is that if you looked at this post during most of the day of April 4th you won't have seen the pictures, just the text, which wouldn't have made all that much sense.  Think I've got it working now, though all the hidden text for all my previous posts isn't working correctly either.  Sigh.  If  it's not one thing it's another.]


Alison Cole 30 July, 2011 16:52  

Nice job! How come you haven't posted since April, Kendall?

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