02 August 2005


I said earlier that I'd only be posting a couple more pictures from Cultus Lake. This is my youngest nephew, poking his head out the RV screen door hamming for the camera. I'm not fully satisfied with my post-processing efforts, but I started working on it too late and don't have time to do it the way I'd prefer, so this will have to do. Posted by Picasa


Anonymous 21 October, 2005 11:47  

Rad, he looks like a fun kid to be around.

Your photo reminds me of an old B&W of Humphrey Bogart that I saw in a magazine once; the photo was praised for capturing the smoke of his cigarette as well as the light reflecting in his eyes. You've got the same thing going sans the cigarette. And Humphrey Bogart nevers smiles, he kinda just shows teeth.

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