Ear to Ear
With many of my pictures, there is much that I like and yet something I can see right away that I'd change or that could have been better. This picture isn't one of those.
I like it, I've decided, just the way it is.
I thought I'd probably like to do something more than the slight crop off the sides that I had already applied, but I've been staring at it and playing with it for the better part of the past hour and haven't been able to figure out just what I'd change.
The shot is of my neice and oldest nephew (brother and sister). We were sitting around the campfire, and I was attempting to get a shot of my neice when her big brother, being in a bit of a goofy mood as might be expected of a newly certified teenager, decided to horn in on the picture. While the intended picture would probably have been nice, the goofing around of brother and sister instead allowed me serendipitously, to capture what I think is a rather delightful smile, just before the giggling started.

Photos along a campfire can be really fun, but really tough to pull off. At least from my own experience, you dont get the full intensity of a camp fire and the people around it.
Supposedly when campfire smoke is blown in your direction, youre supposed to say "White Rabbit, White Rabbit" I'm not too sure why that is.
I know I'm not a real photographer yet because I would have thrown this picture in the trash (and thrown the little brat in the fire!)... but suddenly, with a cute name like Ear to Ear and a story behind it, it becomes a gem - well done.
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