10 September 2005

Heron in the morning

Once again I forced myself out of bed at an unfit hour to see what treasures I could find in the early morning light. Had hoped for a nice sunrise behind the city from the vantage point of Vanier Park, but unlike the last couple of mornings (when I had to got to work!) this morning didn't deliver much to excite.

It wasn't, however, a total loss, as I did come across this guy. He patiently let me get closer and closer, snapping away. The building in the background is, of course, the Vancouver Planetarium.

And now that I've posted this, I think I'll go have a nap. Posted by Picasa


Anonymous 21 October, 2005 10:20  

I like how the Heron is framed perfectly against the Planetarium. I like how big birds like this look so dignified all the time.

I went to Crescent Beach during the summer and there were a couple of herons hanging out in the low tide.

When I was younger my dad took me to the Rifle Bird Sanctuary a lot, out in Ladner i think. I suggest you go their to shoot some photos, they have these little huts where the birds dont notice you, and you can take some sweet close up photographs. Thats what I remember I think. I dont know why its called the "Rifle" bird sanctuary, i think it would give people the wrong idea. Maybe its "Reifle" Bird Sanctuary, and my spelling, just like always, is totally off.

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