24 September 2005

Sunset Saturday

Okay, so those of you who check this site regularly (all 2 of you out there) have probably had enough of sunsets, but I figure if I can make the effort to get out and photograph them, then I can post them.

This was just a little bit earlier tonight, and almost qualified as spectactular. Certainly not bad for this time of year. It's good practice, and now I'm beginning to look forward to November, when the sunsets are often truly awesome. Posted by Picasa


Anonymous 21 October, 2005 09:37  

You know those paintings that are always hanging on the walls at cheap motels? This photo has a very similar colour scheme.

It's not meant as an insult either, i think those paintings are really rad, they capture a scene in this somewhat serene, unattainable peace. Probably because you never see cars in those paintings.

Anyway, your photo captures the same idea of those paintings.

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