12 June 2006

Formationless Flocking

I've taken about 150 pictures since my last post - about 6 outings with the camera. Some okay shots, but nothing I quite wanted to post. Upon reflection I've decided that I'm being too choosy about what I post, so I went back and took another look at what I've got and selected this one to get things moving again.

What struck me about this flock of geese is that, while flying together, they're not exactly in standard "V" formation. I watched as they moved accross my field of view, and while there were hints of the V, they never seemed to quite get the hang of it. It's a little odd, because it doesn't seem to be the right time of the year for these to be young geese on their first migration, yet there was an unmistakable "novice" quality about the flock. A very different impression from the well-formed flocks of autumn.

Well... at least it's not another flower picture! Posted by Picasa


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