13 August 2006

Vapour Trail

It seems that I've been falling behind on my posting, again. I'd had the intention of posting something every day this past week - there are lots of pictures in the processing queue - but found that after work each night I was just too tired to do any processing or come up with something interesting to say about anything I might post.

This shot was taken yesterday afternoon - almost the first time I'd taken any pictures since I got back from Kamloops - and required very little processing. I'm thinking it'll make a nice little interlude from the Kamloops and other holiday pictures.

I noticed the vapour trail as I was walking to the park. By the time I got the camera and a lens out it was quickly disappearing and only got two shots before it was all but gone. Neither was what I'd call an optimum composition, but this wasn't too bad. And as I said, it makes a nice break from the other pictures.

Look forward to more dried grass and fences soon though! Posted by Picasa


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