Sunrise on Rose Hill Road
Here's the shot up the road and around the corner from the one I posted yesterday. It was taken early in the morning of the next day.
This image is actually my first - unplanned - HDR (High Dynamic Range) attempt. I had 4 different exposures of this picture that I was working on but couldn't get any one of them quite right; it was almost impossible to balance the bright sunrise without silhouetting the shed in the foreground.
The red tractor-like thing in the shed, and the detail in the shed itself are important to the picture. As I'd been smart enough to take four different exposures, and used the tripod (!) I was able to combine the four shots into this HDR image. It's still not perfect for what I was going for, but it's a lot closer than any one of the images on their own. There was a disappointing but understandable loss of detail in the clouds in the sky as it was very windy and the clouds moved quite a bit over the 31 seconds between first and last picture.
Very cool! It looks lot different from any of the four originals (as I have all four on my computer!)I really like it.
I really like this one. I don't understand what HDR is, but it looks good nonetheless.
It looks like you went to a lot of places on your road trip. I hope you had fun. You got a lot of good photos.
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