Hover Mode
It was a truly amazing September day yesterday, one not to be missed. On the way home from work I stopped off at Fraser River Park for "just a few minutes", to enjoy the late afternoon sunshine.
While there I spotted this dragonfly, which I noticed had a little circuit it would fly, stopping at various points for a second or two then on to another spot, sometimes forward, sometimes back, but always in the end completing a large circle back to the beginning. After several circuits it would disappear off somewhere else for a while, and then eventually return and fly the circuit again. The stop and hover points were unpredictable and of random duration usually less than two seconds), and of course the longest such periods were always the too far away for a decent shot, but deciding that I needed some patience practice (and manual focus practice) I stationed myself near to the circuit and waited for opportunities to catch it in mid-hover.
Most of the time it would stop just long enough to get the camera up, centered, focus dialed in and then just as the shutter was to be released it would move on. Truly a patience-testing proposition. Needless to say, my "few minutes" turned, almost magically, into almost two hours and resulted in, sadly, this shot as the best. I'll definitely have to try this one again some time soon, before they're gone for the winter.
quite amazing timing!
I like this one very much
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