16 September 2006

Park Bench

This morning I got up just a little early and went to Maple Park, a place I drive by on the way to/from work everyday but never stop at, because, well, I have to get to work or I just want to get home...

Just about every morning this past two weeks there's been absolutely wonderful light there and so I thought I'd take advantage of it today, as the forecast was for a great day. Which is was, about two hours later.

It was, however, cloudy this morning.

While I'd have liked to have gotten this shot in better morning light, I am still, nonetheless, happy with it. For me, there's something about the age and weathering on the bench that goes with the fall leaves.

My apologies - once again - for the interim between posts. This time I'm blaming the wireless keyboard that came with my computer which has been working only sporadically for the past three weeks, even after installing three sets of fresh batteries. After two days of not functioning at all, I finally went out and bought a new, wired, keyboard. Which has a non-standard cursor key layout that is driving me nuts, but at least I can type again. Posted by Picasa


Anonymous 17 September, 2006 18:54  

that's a beautiful shot Kendall...Raechel

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