At rest in the tall grass
Second Picture from Ladner, or at least I think it qualifies as part of Ladner as you have to go through Ladner to get here.
It was taken on Westham Island (where the Reifel Bird Sanctuary is located), a place with very few roads, none of which provide access to the west side of the island, much to my irritation, as that was the part that most interested me. Some other day I'll really have to check out the bird sanctuary too. I did drive into the parking lot (just checking out where all the roads went) but it was only open for another 45 minutes and it deserves much more time than that.
To get to where this picture was taken, just go over the quaint, wood and metal turquoise bridge and take the first left onto Trim Road. Follow this less-than-one-lane road about 800 meters to the end (where it turns into a driveway), and you'll be here.

This picture speak wonders to me! the old Farmall row crop tractor still in one piece, oddly enought. And the weather beaten barns.
Thanks Sniper. I was a little disappointed at the lack of comments for this picture - I really liked it myself and expected a better response. Nice to know that I'm not the only one who liked it.
As for the tractor, I'm not positive, but I think it's still a working machine, just not when I took the picture.
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