31 January 2007

Smoke and Mirrors

Well, fog and calm water, actually.

Probably the last of the shots from Steveston. Actually, I wasn't sure that I'd post this one, considering that the last two - which I thought were quite good - haven't received a single comment good or bad...

Is anybody out there??? Posted by Picasa


Anonymous 01 February, 2007 12:25  

I like the first two photos; the grey brown red black colour scheme gives it a very nautical feel

The B&W looks a lot more classic, from the 40's as the boats in the picture fit the style of the era..you could probably fool some people with that one..

Anonymous 04 February, 2007 17:44  

I like this one too - very similar to the other one I like (2 photos ago), but the main boat is now on the left and facing forward. It's a well set up shot.

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