18 February 2007

Almost Like Spring

Sorry about the long time since my last post. It's partly that I haven't shot very much lately, but what I have shot has mostly been tests & experiments (not suiteable for posting) as I get used to some new equipment.

I still don't have the hang of it yet, but figured I better post something before I loose what few regular visitors I have. Today was pretty close to a spring day, even though it's a while till spring. I got my butt out for a couple of hours, had a good walk, and found these crocuses which seem to think spring's coming sooner rather than later, and I'm all for that!
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Anonymous 22 February, 2007 16:01  

looks nice; reminds me of lavender and old ladies

can't really make this one my wallpaper though. my friends will make fun of me.

Anonymous 24 February, 2007 16:42  

Very pretty! I'm making this the Gage wallpaper!

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