22 February 2007

A Place to Sit in the Shade

It's been a real spring-like week for weather (i.e. all over the place), even though it's not spring yet. This afternoon was quite wonderful, maybe better than Sunday was, while much of the period between has see-sawed between cold, windy, rainy and sun.

Decided to have a little fun with this shot, taken after work today - there are all sorts of tools and techniques available in Photoshop that I've never really explored and thought this would be a good image on which to try a few things. Not sure that I could duplicate it again if I had to, but I'm not going to worry about that. I'm satisfied with the way this came out this time around.
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Anonymous 24 February, 2007 16:46  

I like this photo. Kendall, can you briefly share which Photoshop techniques you used here? I'm curious.

Kendall 24 February, 2007 19:40  

Hmmm... not sure that I actually remember just what I did, some of it was just playing around. I guess the main treatments were:
• applied the shadow/highlight adjustment until I was satisfied with the balance between the two;
• was playing with the saturation when I decided to "colourize" it. Didn't like the first result as applied by Photoshop, so played with that a bit until I got the shade I wanted.
• I may also have applied an unsharp mask, but I'm not sure. Probably not for this picture, but it was something I applied to at least one other image I was working on at the same time.

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