22 March 2007

The Boardwalk, down at that Park Place

I'm so ready for winter to be over... Even though we've had a bit of good weather here and there, it feels like someone is just teasing us between more rounds of rain and cold. Still, at least I don't live back east!

This is just a quick post - to make up for the (yet again) large gap since the last. I haven't shot very much lately, and most of that was sitting in the camera for quite a while, which is unusual for me, as I normally download pretty quickly after I get home.

It was taken Tuesday at Fraser River Park, where it was sunny but quite cold. I guess you can tell that I'm still working on my processing technique - though I suppose I'm happy enough with this result for now. It's quite different than the original image, but not quite what I imagined it could be. More my lack of skill than over-optimistic imagination though. Posted by Picasa


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