08 March 2007

The Beast Within

On Wednesday, taking advantage of the last day of my mini holiday, I decided to take advantage of the unexpected sunshine and drop by QE Park to check out the flowers. There were, of course, very few blooming flowers just yet - it is officially still winter after all.

Crocuses, however, don't care that it's still winter. And apparently, neither do some types of bees. I found this guy, apparently drunk on pollen, or perhaps just taking a nap, inside the bloom. At first I thought it was dead, as it wasn't moving at all (bonus for me - much easier to photograph!) but after poking it once or twice it started to react to my approaching finger, which I figured meant it was time to leave it alone.

[Yes, I know it's only been a couple of pictures since the last purple & white crocus shot, but this one was has a bee and was taken from about 8 inches, rather than 4 feet.] Posted by Picasa


Anonymous 10 March, 2007 01:40  

What a beautiful and unique photo, Kendall!!

Anonymous 30 July, 2007 21:51  

I agree, so unique, should be mounted on a wall somewhere - perfect title as he/she gets down and dirty! Haha - great stuff!

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