31 March 2007

Distant Tree

Okay, so this isn't a very stunning photo either... but I thought I better post something to remark on the new look for the blog. I've been wanting to get round to a re-design for a while, this week I finally had to fill some downtime from work (late-season cold) and did a little experimenting.

This isn't a final version, by any means. But I've learned quite a few little things about how to edit blogger templates, with more to go. Most specifically, I still want to modify the template so that pictures appear larger on the page (without clicking on them). I know it can be done as I've seen other blogger blogs that have done it... but I haven't been able to make sense of the code used. I also want to add in the ability to dispay/collapse the comments I write for each picture - to give more focus to the pictures. Again, I've seen the code used for this but haven't figured out just yet how to include it in my template. A work in progress...

As for this picture, it was also taken last weekend at Boundary Bay. The tree left of centre - way in the distance - is the same tree as the one with the horseback riders two posts ago. This picture shows a little better just how far away the tree actually was (okay, I was a little closer for the horseback shot). And it's sunny in this one too.

Comments - good or bad - on the new blog design are welcome! Posted by Picasa


Anonymous 01 April, 2007 19:05  

i think the photo is nice, but i think I like the other blog lay-out better

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