06 March 2007


One of the reasons for the paucity of posts lately is that I've been trying to learn (familiarize myself with) some new equipment, and some new processing techniques as well.

The new equipment is coming along at a satisfactory pace. The new techniques - not so much.

After many other attempts, with other images, I finally have one that I'm reasonably satisfied with.

I'm really interested in knowing what everyone thinks of this image...

[Credit where it belongs... The process used to create this image was based on Diane Varner's very helpful list of steps that she uses to create her fantastic images.] Posted by Picasa


Anonymous 07 March, 2007 14:55  

i really like the shadowing; it looks both light and dark at the same time like the mushrooms are in a spotlight, but also in a shadow

what was the actual size of the mushrooms?

Kendall 07 March, 2007 18:43  

I think the larger one was about 2 inches high, maybe a little more.

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