Thistle and Wasp
I'm starting to get a bit of a back-log of bee/wasp shots, the beginnings of a catalog of the local varieties I suppose. Not intentionally, I'm just amazed at the varieties.
This one was taken today and falls into my "green-eyed, white striped (with a faint blue tint), yellow legged, waspy" category. It's not a great shot of the wasp but is acceptable. I do, however, really like the composition of this one.
Normally when I go out to shoot bugs I wear long pants and other items which have the property of providing additional body coverage, usually without thinking about it. With the return of the sun it didn't occur to me to not wear shorts today - we've had so little sun to enjoy and I wanted to make the most of it. Not really a good idea as it turned out; I was besieged by monstrously ravenous mosquitoes and had to pick my way very carefully through ever-encroaching blackberry bramble. I swear that you can almost watch that stuff grow!
Any time I'm out shooting bugs I find I start to feel a little buggy; it's inevitable that some of the beasties will find you and crawl/land on you, and just the thought that you're standing motionless for long periods in places where there are lots of bugs that crawl over everything can get the mind playing tricks.... ugh. Today was much worse.
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