24 July 2007

Pancake Beginnings

For a brief break from bug pictures (more of those to come though!) I thought I'd post this shot taken last week at Cultus Lake. It's become a bit of a tradition now that when I visit my parents at the "campsite" that we go blueberry picking just up the hill, usually on my last day there so that I can bring home enough berries to keep me in blueberry pancakes for the whole year.

It almost looked like we wouldn't get to go this year... but there was a long enough break in the rain that we had time to pick half-again as many blueberries for my freezer as last year.

[I posted a similar shot about two years ago, for those paying attention, but as it's been two years and we all needed a break from bugs, I figured no one would mind.]


Anonymous 27 July, 2007 15:31  

This is a great picture Kendall!

Anonymous 17 August, 2007 19:00  

I love this photo! Beautiful!

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