27 August 2007

Stop Pumping Immediately

First of probably several images - well, it's actually a pair of images with the one below - from my slightly illicit tour of an apparently non-functioning portion of the Ocean Cement plant located just east of the south end of the Arthur Laing bridge.
I'd gone out for a walk Sunday evening, not expecting much as the light had been thoroughly uninspiring for most of the day. And indeed, initially it was pretty dismal at first. But, as I neared the plant things started to perk up.

All of the regular working areas of the plant were fenced/gated off, but the last portion to the east had no gates, and no signs prohibiting access, and no one seemed to be around...

This first pair of images was actually shot legally, from the public road, were there are buildings on both sides of the road and some sort of gantry/pipes/etc for transporting 'stuff' connecting these buildings. This shut-off station clearly refers to the material being transported, but it's not clear if it's just the materials to make concrete, or the mixed concrete itself. I'd guess, from other indications, that it was the dry cement being moved through the system, but it's just a guess.

I'm not sure how this set of pictures will go over, they're a little different from most of what I usually post, and certainly different from what I've been posting lately (no bugs!), so I'll be interested in whatever feedback anyone cares to leave.


Anonymous 22 September, 2007 19:21  

Interesting change in direction.

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