Common Spider
One of the things about letting a long time go by between posts is that when I finally get back to take another look at shots from a week or two back, I usually decide that I don't want to post them after all.
Which means no more Cement Plant pictures. Or at least not for now.
In the meantime, it's been a while since I posted a bug/insect, and I like this one. It was captured early this morning and was a fair bit easier than most of the bugs I've posted here as it was huge, so I didn't have to get quite as close in order to fill up the frame (and consequently, achieved a much better depth of field).
The entomologists out there will point out that arachnids aren't actually insects, but we'll ignore them and count this as a bug photo.
yikes....gave me the creeps...looks so real. I once saw a spider like that in my bedroom when Catherine (owner of the building) cut down the trees outside between our two places. The spider needed a new home so moved into my place !!NOOOOOO!
Nice picture! Funny, because I took some almost exactly like this one about a month ago - I think the spider might even be the same species! I'll send it to you one day when I get it off my camera.
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