03 September 2007


This shot from the Ocean Cement site is a little out of sequence from what I'd had in mind, but I haven't completed processing any of the other shots from that adventure, mostly due to this insanely addictive little game I came across late last week.

I've now completed all the levels of the game and should get back to processing shortly...
In the meantime, this is a shot of the side of the building on the north side of the street, just to the right of where the Stop Pumping Immediately picture was taken. I like two things about this shot:

• First, there's something about the composition that appeals to me in an active-industry (as opposed to abandoned) kind of way;

• and secondly, it's the first time I've tried to correct perspective (it's very hard to take a hand-held shot of a building keeping the image sensor completely parallel with the building) and I'm quite happy with the result.


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