10 March 2008

4 Sale - Cheap!

This was taken back in November - I've had to resort to archive raiding as I haven't managed anything new to speak of for the past couple of weeks and felt that it was time I posted something.

In the interim since my last post I've had to deal with a sick computer that eventually failed pretty much completely and required a complete rebuild; and then getting sick myself. Both the computer and I are now fully recovered. And in the case of the computer, I'm very glad that I'd taken the time to create and have a good back-up plan in place; while I lost a couple of days worth of photos from just prior to the crash (including the originals of 3 of the last 4 posts) I came through largely unscathed. Damn though, I had a couple of nice shots there...

Of course rebuilding a computer is a pretty tedious job, but that's almost all done now. Finally I can start thinking about getting out and shooting something new!

In the meantime, I hope you like this. I had a bit of fun processing it - learning something new about preserving the colour in the "4 Sale" while converting everything else to monotone and then applying a colour overlay...


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