Sunset Cyclist
Friday after work I stopped by Fraser River Park for what turned out to be a couple of hours; it was a nice evening and I didn't have anywhere else I needed to be so why not?
I still don't have a complete handle on colour profiles. Take this shot for instance. When processed in photoshop using aRGB it comes out with rich, deep colours. When converted to sRGB in photoshop there's a subtle colour shift and a slight lightening of the image. Both are within an acceptable range - for this image - that I didn't bother to further correct. When the resulting jpeg is viewed in Windows Vista Photo Gallery, the image displayed is fairly faithful to that shown in photoshop - actually a little darker (and therefore closer) to the original aRGB version. However, when viewed in Picasa, the image is much, much brighter. At first I thought this was just something to do with Picasa, but when the image is uploaded to this blog it is closest to that seen in Picasa, even though Picasa wasn't use to perform the upload.
It's driving me freakin' nuts. Irritating is another word that works too. If anyone knows how to control this better I'd appreciate any tips you care to share.
In the meantime, I've finally got things configured so that when I process an image in aRGB and then print it the result very closely matches what I see on-screen - without any additional processing/tweaking required. A major advancement, and I hope not something that I'll have to lose to solve the my-computer to the web problem.
Hmmm. Just occured to me that, since Picasa is the closest representation of what the web will display, then 'all' I have to do is fiddle with things in Picasa to get the image back to what it looked like in photoshop (the way I intended it to look) and then what I upload to the web should be a better match. Oh sure. More time spent on each individual image. There's gotta be a better way...
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