Chain Mosaik
Whilst browsing through my files this evening I came across this image, taken almost a month ago, that I'd completely forgotten about. It's a bit of a cheesy over-produced HDR image, but I do kind of like the extreme over-saturated colours.
At least it's a new post (I think I just set a new personal record for time between posts), and if nothing else, it's not a bird...
As regards birds, if you take a look in the right margin of this blog, you'll find a new "Birds" gallery. While I will probably still post the occasional bird picture on the blog, many will just find their way into the gallery so it'll probably be worth checking out from time to time for updates. When you get to the gallery, you can check out individual pictures or view a slide show. Even better, if you have Cooliris for Firefox installed, use that to view the lot - it's a very good way to view a web album. If you use Firefox and haven't yet added Cooliris (and Cooliris previews)... well why not do it now?
I love this photo! Again, you have a way to make the mundane look fantastic! The colours and shapes are great. (although when I first saw this photo, the first thought that came into my head was "snakes!" but no, it's just chains.)
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