10 March 2009

Now that you have my attention...

Sorry, once again, for the continuing string of bird pictures...

This is a lesser scaup (male); they're smaller than mallards, and generally a fair bit more circumspect than mallards as well.

Normally you'll see a number of these birds, along with their female counterparts mixed in with a variety of other ducks (mallards, pintails, wigeons, etc.) but this guy was the only scaup to be seen amongst the mallards and wigeons, perhaps because they were not in the area of Reifel where the rest of the scaups usually hang out.


Alison Cole 18 April, 2009 02:40  

This photo reminds me of a similar posed one I took of an iguana last week in St. Thomas! I got some good close-ups.

Anonymous 19 June, 2009 10:55  

I like this guy...you should put him in your passenger seat...Edna&Tobie

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