02 March 2009

Muddy Beak

I don't much like the way that this shot was framed - with birds sometimes you just have to work with what you can get, but I've tried to crop it down into something that I like better with no luck. In the meantime, I do like the way that the bird came out after processing. I just wonder what it is that these birds eat that they find so deep down in the muck that their entire beaks get covered in mud.

I've been playing a bit lately with a different way of processing images using lab colour in photoshop. I can't say that I've got the basics of it yet and mastering the technique is a long way off, but the result here was quite pleasing (you'd have to have seen the raw photo, prior to processing).

Sorry about the long delays between posts lately. Between working on the trying out the new process and not wanting to post only bird shots (Ooops, failed there - it's kinda hard since it's just about all I've been shooting lately) there hasn't been much that I wanted to post. I am, at least, feeling more motivated lately.


Alison Cole 09 March, 2009 01:41  

So beautiful, Kendall! I think the framing turned out fine!

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