27 May 2009

Imported Insects


KS 28 May, 2009 20:45  

That looks like a very classy butterfly. Very nice, I am waiting to see more.

Alison Cole 30 May, 2009 02:41  

I didn't know there was a Butterfly World in Coombs! I like how you blotted out the background here. (used a mask on the butterfly and filter on the bg?)

Kendall 30 May, 2009 22:45  

I didn't do anything at all with the background. It's just the result you get when you're shooting a relatively long focal length (in this case, 100mm) at very short distance (probably about 18 inches). The background was quite far away and out of focus, whether you want it to be or not. This kind of shot is harder to do if you're using a point & shoot, as they have a phenomenal depth of field, a by product of those really small lenses.

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