31 October 2009

Halloween Moon

A little earlier in the evening there was a bit of cloud about, making the view of the moon particularly appropriate for Halloween. In fact, it was surrounded/partially obscured by cloud up to about 2 minutes before I had the camera set up to shoot... then not a cloud in the sky (or at least nowhere near the moon).

Still, It's not a bad shot, though I'll admit that it took quite a few tries to get this result.


Alison Cole 09 November, 2009 01:02  

This is amazing! I've never seen such an upclose and detailed photograph of the moon! You can see, like, craters on it! And I like how the rest of the photo is just all BLACK. You should get shots like this on Istockphoto! Seriously, please just try it out - you can use this specific photo as a test - and see what happens.

Kendall 09 November, 2009 17:06  

Sorry Alison, but Istockphoto just isn't for me, at least not at this time. I don't want to shoot, or think of my shots, as representing something generic enough to get accepted by Istockphoto...

KS 17 November, 2009 23:39  

Wow! Distance keeps it bright but we need a lens to remind us how close we really are.

Alison Cole 22 November, 2009 02:46  

Kendall, I don't think IStockphoto is characterized as being generic. How can it be when there are so many thousands of photos on there - there has to be a lot of unique ones, right? I go there to find really specific images that I need that I just can't find anywhere else. Anyways, like that chess set photo - it's beautiful and I doubt it would be easy to find a photo of that exact same chess set to use for print. I know someone would appreciate it being there when they were looking for something just like that.

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