08 November 2009

A Good Book and a Cuppa

With the forecast calling for mostly rain all weekend, and the shorter days - it gets dark awfully early - it seemed like a good weekend to to spend with a good mystery story or two and a mug of really good coffee.

Or at least it seemed like a good idea for a picture!

It actually didn't rain all that much today, but as I had several projects that I wanted to work on, including this one, I didn't see much of what it was like outside. Somehow, with everything else to do there didn't end up being much time to actually read...


Kendall 09 November, 2009 17:03  

Well, that was a new one. Someone named "freefun0616" left a bunch of identical comments on three of my posts in what looked like Japanese characters that contained nothing but links to all sorts of stuff of theirs.

Not appreciating my blog comments being hijacked for someone else's purposes - and in another language! - I have deleted those comments.

Kendall 10 November, 2009 08:38  

Well, the same friggin' jerk is still at it, trying to hijack things. Turns out they're doing it to a lot of other people's blogs too. Consequently, since I don't want to waste time searching through all the posts that they're mucking with, I've had to turn comment moderation on. This means that if you leave a comment it won't show up in the blog until I approve it.

Sorry about that. Blame "freefun".

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