16 November 2009

Light Box Chess Set

After my last post I felt motivated to build a "cheap" light box for more control over lighting shots such as that one. Finding myself with some time to fill last Friday afternoon I did a little shopping to see what I could come up with.

It didn't stay a cheap project for very long, although it certainly didn't cost anything like what a more purpose-built system would cost.

Unfortunately, while I saved a bit of money I had to sacrifice other things. In this case, although I'd coughed up the bucks for some decent full-spectrum bulbs, I still found the results horribly colour-cast. Thank goodness I shoot digital, as this white balance error can be corrected realively easily... well, mostly. There's still something a little wrong with the corrected colour of this shot although I'm not sure just what it is. But aside from that, the over-all lighting effect isn't bad, specially considering that I was stupid enough to select such a highly reflective item for my first test subject.

If I can scrape a couple of bucks together next weekend I think I'll buy some nice flowers to see what I can do with them in a controlled lighting environment. They, at least, should not be reflective.

[Oh, almost forgot... In case you missed my late-addition comment to my last post, I've had to add in comment moderation due to some asshole trying to use the comment section of my blog to plug his own - for all I know virus infected - stuff.  He loaded up an identical comment (Chinese characters) full of links to other sites to almost 200 of my posts before I cut him off.  I've since deleted all his comments; it was faster for me to do this than the time it took him to load them, so nuts to him.  Comments related to my posts and this blog are still welcome and encouraged, but you'll have to have patience for them to appear on the site as now I have to approve them first - I'll probably only check for new comments once a day.]


Alison Cole 22 November, 2009 02:43  

This looks awesome! You have to put this on IStock, seriously!! And sorry to hear about that guy invading your blog.

gg 29 November, 2009 22:03  

hi kendall...you inspire me...your old neighbour glenda
hi to your family(:gg

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