29 March 2010

This Bird Doesn't Need to Smile

For some time now, my 'list of want-shots' has included a quintessential shot of a wood duck.

This isn't it that shot.

It's not bad I suppose, but the eye could be a little sharper and the colours would benefit from better lighting (at Reifel, the wood ducks tend to hang around near one of the most tree-covered paths - not a total blanket, but it's limited). I met a woman who told me that the place to go for wood ducks is Burnaby Lake, so I guess I'll have to check it out one of these days to see if it's any better.


Alison Cole 01 June, 2010 17:38  

I have to say, Kendall, this is one of my all-time favourites of yours! I love the colours!!! :)

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